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Attractive Design: Stainless-steel exterior and aesthetic design make this trash receptacle an attractive addition to offices, schools, malls, campuses and more.
Highly Durable: Stainless-steel construction stands up to daily use, while four feet lift this trash can off the floor to prevent scratches and to facilitate general cleanup.
Super-Safe: Unique "flame-out" design safety feature smothers fires instantly - no need to worry about users throwing in lit cigarettes.
ADA Compliant: User-friendly for all your clients and patrons, including those with special needs.
Optional Liners: Optional heavy-duty plastic liners are available, to extend the life of your trash receptacle and keep it clean.
Lifetime Coverage: Our Limited Lifetime Warranty guarantees many years of use and enjoyment.
This product is ADA compliant and wheelchair accessible.
Witt Industries
15 in.
15 in.
38 in.
Shipping Weight:
24 lbs.
21 Gallons
Limited Lifetime
If you think that trash receptacles are an unsightly part of interior design, think again. This stainless-steel trash can from Witt is highly practical, built to last and looks so good, it actually adds to your school or business décor.
This hamper-style trash receptacle has a swing-top that's not only aesthetic but also user friendly - no need to touch the trash can or push a pedal. The stainless-steel construction is strong enough to stand up to heavy traffic throughout the school or work day. Even smoldering cigarettes are no problem - the unique "flame-out" design smothers fires in seconds, making this trash can a great choice for public places with smoking zones. Fully ADA compliant, it's also suitable for companies and schools privileged to cater to those with special needs. Optional heavy-duty plastic liners make cleanup easy and keep the trash can looking good.
Convenience, durability, aesthetics and safety, all in one trash receptacle. What more could you ask for?