Announcing the Launch of Hertz Furniture’s Educators’ Calendar of Events!


Educational Conferences

If there is one universal fact of life for all teachers, it is this: teachers are busy! The list of daily tasks is seemingly infinite: marking papers, planning for the next day, meeting with students, fulfilling lunch duty, and on and on. It’s a testament to the hard work teachers put in every day, but it is also a serious challenge. The busy schedule leaves little time for teachers to work on their own professional development, whether it’s catching up on the latest articles, engaging in peer evaluation, or attending a conference.  For some, professional development seems helplessly out of reach.


The truth is, however, that educational conferences are a critical part of professional development. They offer teachers a fresh look at some of the newest methodologies and resources for teachers. They can certainly help reinvigorate teachers who are beginning to feel burnt out, and who feel the need to reignite their own enthusiasm. And lastly, they are a great forum for networking with other educators across the country.


But here is the problem: Even if a teacher can find a spare moment, how does one find out where and when the next major educational conference will be?


This is where Hertz Furniture can help.  Hertz Furniture is dedicated to assisting teachers inside and outside the classroom. Our new online Educators’ Calendar of Events brings you one step closer to the leading educational conferences of the day. Just check back in on our Educators’ Calendar of Events, and stay up to date on all upcoming educational conferences and events. With this new online calendar, you can keep your finger on the pulse of education in America. Stay informed about the latest educational conferences, and put professional development back on the agenda!

Educators' Conference



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