Comments on: How Do You Spell R-E-S-P-E-C-T? The collected thoughts of a seasoned school principal and an innovative homeroom teacher. Thu, 19 Mar 2020 22:05:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Karmi Gross Tue, 13 Nov 2012 07:32:25 +0000 Having spent many years in the private school sector has exposed me to a culture that does champion creativity and “thinking outside the box.” As you correctly stated that is what produces the progress and innovation that has made America great. Public schools, while dealing with many issues that private schools do not have to face, must find ways to promote the creativity of the individual teacher even within the framework of suffocating standards.

By: Neil Mon, 12 Nov 2012 16:31:23 +0000 Interesting post…even though I probably hold to differing political philosophies than you, I agree with your statements on the lack of respect for teachers. Historically, teachers have been admired and respected by individuals more than by groups. Here’s what I’m getting at, for over 20 years ( my time in the profession) public schools gave shoved the T. E. A. M. mentality down the throats of both it’s “products” and it’s “producers” at the cost of individuality. Our nation has become great due to individuals, who could work as a team without losing their quirky qualities. Even in the 50s public schools sought to elevate the “norm” by controlling and appeasing the “gifted”.
Oh, educrats love to toss platitudes like “think outside of the box” or “when the work gives you lemons make lemonaid”. In reality public education often punishes the creative students and teachers rather than celebrating their innovative ideas.

By: John Tapscott Tue, 30 Oct 2012 19:26:18 +0000 Abe has hit the nail squarely on the head (no pun intended). “The principal should be one of the best teachers in school.” One of the reasons, in my observation, why principals remain aloof from classrooms is the simple fact that, in many cases, they are not the best teachers in the school, and indeed not even very good teachers. There was a stage in my career when I would not have thought this way about principals. However, things have changed from the days when I began teaching. In the first half of my teaching career, in NSW public schools, if a teacher wanted to be promoted he/she needed to submit to a process of on the job assessment. This was carried out by an inspector or a panel of inspectors. Those considered qualified for promotion were placed on an eligibility list and were duly promoted, on application, in turn, when their number came up. That is to say, if you were considered qualified, in terms of competency and experience, you could be confident that there would come a time when you were promoted.

This all changed after 1988 after the election of a new state government. They introduced what they called “merit selection”, as if the tried and true promotees previously, had no merit. Now there was noi formal, objective, on the job assessment. If you you could write a good enough story about yourself (Curriculum Vitae) you would score an interview. If at the interview you could provide sufficiently glib responses to a set of questions, which varied in depth, and intelligence, sufficient to convince the interview panel, and if your referees concurred, you most likely would be appointed.

This led, not to better leadership in schools, but to a political climate, that did not exist before. If you wish to be promoted now you must not necessarily be competent but you must become a political animal and know all the right political moves to get yourself noticed, and you must become skilled at self advertisement. Nobody cares much if you are a competent teacher or not.

The result is that many principals have very little idea of educational theory, may not necessarily be a competent teacher, climbed the ladder by making the right political moves, and expect everyone else seeking promotion to be the same as they.

After having said all that I must hasten to add that not all principals are incompetent teachers. I have met many respectable and competent principals who support and lead their staff in a most professional manner. My comments are intended for the system which allows incompetent, sleazy, political operators, to climb the ladder, and who then treat with contempt the many fine, competent teachers who choose to remain in the classroom providing solid service for their students and the public.

By: Dr. Andy Rose Tue, 30 Oct 2012 18:55:17 +0000 Teachers are blamed in a political climate that has two features. First, economically, leaders try to take away benefits teachers have won over several decades instead of trying to lift up those who lack such benefits. Second, schools are highly impacted by the quality of its students. Such quality is developed in the home pre-school and during the K-12 experience. Since the government cannot get into the home and mandate parents’ responsibility, they dump on teachers. Both issues can be rectified but it would take an approach surely to be deemed too radical for America. Sad, but true.

By: Abe Feinbweg Mon, 22 Oct 2012 23:36:02 +0000 In response to Saul Wagner’s article on respect (10-18-2012), I would offer a comment on one facet on why schools have descended to the predicament they now face —and with good reason.
These comments are extracted from an article on evaluation I researched and wrote recently.

Schools have earned the brickbats they are subjected to these days. It is a rare sight to see a principal leave his custodial and caretaker duties, and to work with and coach his/her teachers to raise the level of competency within the classroom.

It is common knowledge that most principals in most school districts have observed classrooms infrequently, if at all, and have written inaccurate and misleading evaluations designed to obscure their vigorous inertia.

If we accept that evaluation of students is an ongoing and yearlong process, it necessarily follows that coaching and evaluation of teachers must be a continuous process. We do not upgrade a teacher’s competency by observing a 15 minute teaching act, or two acts, but the principal must work with the teacher within the classroom throughout the year. If it is our objective to make better teachers, then let’s use evaluation to attain its intended purpose and not to just provide the principal with observational comments of dubious merit to be check-rated on a worthless form and filed in the front office closet.

The principal should be one of the best teachers in school. And this eminently qualified principal should work closely and continuously with his teachers in their classrooms to find the best kind of instruction that will make each student want to learn.

Failure to understand his educational role in the process has resulted in education stagnation and the loss of public confidence and support. Since principals have abdicated their real responsibility, is it any wonder that education has lost the respect of large segments of the public.

The real question should be, why do we continue to settle for less?

Abe Feinberg

By: Karmi Gross Mon, 22 Oct 2012 08:15:41 +0000 I too spent most of my career in the private school system. Once parents are actually paying for their child’s education their feelings of entitlement go through the roof. Thank you for reminding us all that teaching is a challenging profession, whether in the public or private sector. At times, the lack of respect teachers suffer is simply appalling. However, the joy of teaching drives us to find the venues that allow us to thrive, as you have done, and to continue building a better world on student at a time.

By: Linda Lando Fri, 19 Oct 2012 20:37:47 +0000 Interesting perspective with even more complex circumstances. I have taught at several private schools, and find that those institutions are held to the same pressure groups as the public ones–maybe even more so. Some private school parents overstep their boundaries with great hubris and entitlement, and the administrations allows it to happen. My mother had a great admiration for teachers and cultivated respectful relationships with all of them. As for me, I had to find another venue for teaching, and find the abuses suffered by both private and public school teachers to be reprehensible.
twitter: @LindaLando
