Teaching early childhood education in the 21st century requires an understanding of the latest Pre-K classroom trends. While preschool teachers have long been familiar with traditional concepts such as circle time, play areas, and reading corners, today's early childhood learning environments include phenomena such as sensory bottles, word walls, and a variety of 'centers,' including:
Additional terminologies which have become buzz words in the world of Pre-K include:
To provide care and education that permits children to experience a high quality of life while helping them develop their abilities, the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale measures 43 items based on 7 categories: space and furnishings, personal care routines, language-reasoning, activities, interactions, program structure, and parents & staff. The ECERS is an effective tool designed to help Pre-K teachers develop, assess, and improve early education activities, settings, teaching strategies, and learning opportunities, transforming the Pre-K classroom into a safe and positive environment.
Researchers have long established the powerful influence of the physical environment on learning. From Joseph Schwab in 1973, to Judith Seaver and Carol Cartwright in 1986, and onwards through the 1990s until today, a direct link as been found between classroom layout and activities and child behavior and development. As such, the early childhood learning environment itself is a critical and powerful teaching tool. Recommended best practices in setting up a pre-K classroom include:
The ideal preschool environment offers experiences which facilitate young children's growth and enhance their skills in all developmental areas: physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and intellectual.
Since the development of motor skills is an essential component in children's growth process, arranging an effective outdoor environment is equally important in planning an early childhood education program. Research shows that movement stimulates the brain, preparing it for learning, while outdoor activities are a fun way to capitalize on children’s natural inclination to move and learn. Preschool teachers can further incorporate the outdoor environment into their indoor classroom with:
From dramatic play to music, technology, literacy, and more, Pre-K classroom learning centers provide rich, sensory learning experiences, benefiting young children in multiple ways and long into the future.